All that remains now is the dropping of the pump and a celebration to thank God for answering prayers and
providing the water of life through Jesus Christ...
Refugee Hand Dug Well Pics from Start to Finish and Village Life
Reaching the Unreached one need at a time...

A local evangelist supports himself making
"bush" chairs

Constructing the form for the cutting ring                The completed drainage cap                                  Notice the man on top of his incomplete roof        Unloading sand from a local "dump truck"

The job site during construction                                Preparing for the "water table" celebration          Cooking the chicken over an open fire                  The local roofers use palm "shingles"

Local masonry work with mud bricks                    Tiffany conducts the second "bush" clinic                Playing "football" (i.e. soccer) on the field              Preparing the blocks for the well wall

Refugees participate by cracking gravel                              The first meter of 20....                                Preparing to mix sand, gravel & cement                  Mixing the concrete by hand in piles

                Still digging....                                        Collecting sand from the local river                        More block preparation (1,512 to be exact)        The bucket and pulley system to remove earth