All that remains now is the dropping of the pump and a celebration to thank God for answering prayers and
providing the water of life through Jesus Christ...
Refugee Hand Dug Well Pics from Start to Finish and Village Life
Reaching the Unreached one need at a time...
Gravity flow water systems are an effective way of providing clean drinking water in remote locations where springs of adequate flow
and quality are available.  Through a series of catchments, interruption chambers, storage tanks and stand pipes, potable water can be
provided to entire communities.  Transformational Ministries, in partnership with River of LIfe Church in South Dakota, is expanding an
existing system in the Northwest Province of Cameroon.
Gravity flow water system project in rural village provides water to many...
Reaching the Unreached one need at a time...

The village head welcomes us          A technician stands in a partially-
and offers his thanks on behalf         completed trench for the distribution
of the village.                                          pipe network.

The crew gets materials in the larger town of       Unloading pipe after a 12 km trek up rough          The community development committee of        Chad & Tiffany pose with the project lead and
Bamenda                                                                      terrain.  Thank God for 4-wheel drive!                     Anjin.                                                                           village head.