Bee-keeping is nothing new to the Fulbe, especially in the Adamawa Province.  However, their traditional apicultural methods are dangerous and destructive to hives.  African
bees are infamous for their aggressiveness, and the manner in which the honey is harvested from homemade hives is potentially life-threatening to the bee-keeper and kills
much of the bee colony.  Managing a bee farm on the ground with top-bar hives using protective equipment and smokers is a new approach to bee-keeping for the Fulbe.  This
method was introduced at a training seminar lead by a Cameroonian bee-keeper with over a decade of experience in this area.
Fulbe Apiculture (Bee-keeping) Training
Reaching the Unreached one need at a time...

The instructor demonstrates a traditional hive     Lemon grass is one natural way to attract bees    Beekeeping and agroforestry are intimately       Students learn about nursery construction.
from his province.                                                       to the hive.  Natural bees way spread on the top    linked, so students are instructed on
tree                                                                                                                                                                                   bar interior side.                                                            propagation as part of the training.

Students build their own Kenyan Top-Bar (KTB)   Dimensions must be exact, especially for the       A completed KTB hive built by students               Entryway for the bees.  One hole is made
hive from pre-cut lumber.                                           top bar, 3.2 cm at the top, 1 cm at the bottom        and ready to be added to the bee farm.                the diameter of the pinky finger to allow for
                                                                                  to ensure enough space for comb production.                                                                                           queen entry.    
Site selection is very important.  Wind breaks,       The instructor demonstrates comb removal       The hives are protected from the elements by    I think I learned the most that day!                  
plenty of flowering trees and adequate distance    and honey collection with the hive tool.                a plastic and grass covering.