All that remains now is the dropping of the pump and a celebration to thank God for answering prayers and
providing the water of life through Jesus Christ...
Refugee Hand Dug Well Pics from Start to Finish and Village Life
Reaching the Unreached one need at a time...
Keeping with our mission to provide for the physical, spiritual and social needs of those who need it most, two resource centers have been opened in Banyo where demonstrations,
training and resources in the areas of appropriate technology, agroforestry, health education, animal husbandry, water supply, microfinancing and the Gospel are made available to
the community.  The main center consists of both a building with a media center and demonstrations as well as a separate demonstration area for hands-on examples of some
projects in action.  Biosand filters, fuel-efficient cook stoves, seedlings, beehives and technical notes are all available at the center.  We hope to build more centers where similar
needs exist throughout Cameroon, and perhaps beyond.  Please contact us if you would like to assist in the construction or expansion of community resource centers.
Resource Centers for Appropriate Technology and Sustainable Development Opened in the Community
Reaching the Unreached one need at a time...

Papaya, Moringa, Avocado and Mango seedlings      Our apiary, or beefarm, area                                  Our demonstration tree plot with Moringa                         A compost demonstration bin

A solar "power pack" for charging equipment                  Biosand filter display                Locally-made fuel-efficient cook stove           Our biogas demonstation      Rainwater catchment with filter

New community resource center in Banyo            Appropriate technology displays inside                 Tiffany explains a technical note to a student       Our Kenya Top Bar Beehive display

Ball float valve inside our drum sand filter              Our large-scale demonstration area                     Raising agric chickens in our demo area                Our nursery, where we grow edible trees